Sunday, November 25, 2012


I had mention NuffnangX in a previous post but now I got somewhat of a handle how to use it, I want to encourage more Americans (and everyone in the western world) to take advantage of it and push it to be a very used app.
For bloggers, NuffnangX conversations is something they've seen before. So they aren't going to try and put it on their blogs. But they are missing the most important point. The more money Netcentric brings in, the more they will expand. I believe if Netcentric is able to expand all their business dealings it would revolutionize blogging in the western world. Think about it. The top 15 blogs in the U.S are micro-blogs, tech, celeb gossip, and d.i.y. After that tumblr swipes up the game of empty seats. Lifestyle, Fashion, and Make-up blogs are hardly acknowledge anymore. So for all those long-form blogs, you might see that you aren't making any money, your stats are going down, etc etc. If Nuffnang and Project Alpha came to the U.S, the American dream would come alive for bloggers. Its the quick route to instant fame and riches. #Justsaying. The app for blogs is really good anyway and easier then trying to add the facebook plugin on your blog (which I extremely struggled with in the past).
For blog readers this is free gold. You now have an app for your phone and tablet that lets you simplify and seamlessly read blogs without hassle portably  Imagine trying to read Xiaxue's blog from your phone's browser? It takes forever to load! Nuffnangx loads it in 5 seconds. You can forget about your tumblr app to because Nuffnangx lets you read both traditional blogs and tumblr in one app. #mindblown. Annnnd if you support Nuffnangx, you also support the building up the media industry and creates more jobs (which is super important in the U.S since unemployment has been stagnantly high for years now).

Co-Founder Timothy Tiah explains NuffnangX way better O.o

So go ahead. Go to Google Play/ iTunes Store and download Nuffnangx!!!

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