Friday, January 3, 2014

2014; start of an evolution

Each year, I draft up a resolution and post it somewhere. I'm pretty good about resolutions. I'll check it several times a year and it may take me a year or two but one way or another the resolution will always come true. The one thing that never comes true (or rather, stay true) is probably my love life, lmaoo, you can't force things to hold on or be 100% perfect wtf.

My fortune cookie told me that "going too far is no better than falling short." Unfortunate for me, this year is the ambition year. I have a very positive outlook on this year and hope I can achieve a lot. I honestly don't think I know how to take a break or work less~ but oh well.

1. Open a blogshop:

My dream that I've been working on for a year, has always been slathered by financial shortfalls and inattentiveness. I really want to make this a reality.

2. Get a good camera:

This is a recurring thing for 2 years. I had a camera- it broke, got it fixed, it broke again. I have been using phone cameras for this blog and I absolutely hate it!!

3. Start working on my career:

Hopefully by this summer, I will work as a social media specialist or something along those lines. I love Visual Merchandising and Styling but I don't know how far I'm willing to go with that. I'll have to see, sooner or later everything will be figured out.

4. Finish and Get closer to publishing a book

I've been way to busy to really sit down and write but hopefully this year will be the year for me. I have all these story ideas for about 6~7 incomplete books which

5. Keep improving my style and make-up
I really want Bonbon21 items omg

I've involved into himekaji and roma gyaru fashion wise, makeup wise-no major improvement. Whether I go down the gyaru route is always up for discussion but fashion wise, I think I found my niche.

6.  Work towards a flatter stomach and flexibility

I've done well towards having a healthy life style and working out (via dancing everyday) but visible weight loss in my core area is doing me so well. Also working on splits, scorpions, and toe touches is a must this year. DANCE IS LIFE.

7. On that note, improve as a dancer,

Overall I can only dance contemporary and jazz but struggle alot with hip hop. Hopefully this year I will learn a lot.

8. Succeed in school
^^even tho i'm not in high school anymore (insider joke)

I did very average last semester (because I was working 40hr weeks and getting home lord knows when). With my new schedules, I should be able to succeed better in school and get all As in every class.

9. Work on nail art 

 I came a long way this year and I still have some ways to go.

10. Make more and save more.

This year I want to be able to buy all the cute clothes I want and I want to have a comfortable amount of money in my bank (to let go of all any miseries that incurred last year)

11. Move out or have a princess room

Moving out is a far off dream. But that princess room however it's gonna happen one way or another. No games, no games!

12.  Live a little bit more exciting life
Cheesie lives a pretty exciting life

2013 introduced a lot of exciting things into my life but there is nothing wrong with just adding a little bit more?

13. Hopefully get my drivers license, 

I know, 2 years in the making so far.

14. And as always be the best i can be and not what everyone else expects of me.

This year I didn't add blogging (or any other social media activities matter of fact) because at this point it should be the expectation, not the goal. So this year I will return to weekly blogging, I will update my twitter more (daily starting tonight). I will have twice daily updates on my instagram, and my facebook page will have daily posts.

So add me:




And I promise, a ton of interesting content will be coming your way soon, drafting at least 3 post tonight :3

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